
How to Get an Education Loan for Abroad Studies?

How to Get an Education Loan for Abroad Studies?

Getting knowledge about how to get an education loan for abroad studies? can be a crucial step in fulfilling your academic aspirations. It involves a series of steps, and careful planning is essential to ensure a smooth process. Specific criteria must be met to bring an Education Loan. The pupil must be a citizen of India, showcasing their public identity and commitment to representing their country on an Education Loan for Abroad Studies. Also, during the loan operation process, it becomes essential for a parent or guardian to accompany them as a support system and ensure effective communication with the lending institution. One needs to give substantial in the form of a university acceptance letter. This document serves as evidence of admission and that the scholar has been accepted into a recognized educational institution able to hand over quality transnational exposure.

The Loan Process to Get an Education Loan for Abroad Studies

The Loan Process to Get an Education Loan for Abroad Studies

Understanding the loan process for abroad studies becomes imperative in making your dreams a reality.

Get ready to take the spring towards your dream with our hassle-free pre-qualification process! We bear just a many essential documents similar to your

ID evidence (Voter ID, Aadhar, PAN Card)

Also, we’ll need information about your current employment status, including payment slips.

Your credit score and bank statements, along with any former loan statements.

Loan Application to Study Abroad

The loan application is vital in securing an education loan for studying abroad. This is where the borrower formally requests fiscal backing from a lending institution to fund their studies. It’s important to understand that each lender may have varying conditions and procedures for their loan operation.

Eligibility Criteria

For evolved education overseas, you may be eligible for an education loan. Specific eligibility criteria must be met to mileage these loans. Let’s take a detailed look at these essentials.

  • Admission to a Recognized Institution
  • Course of Study
  • Creditworthiness
  • Collateral or Security
  • Co-signer or Guarantor
  • Residency Status
  • Loan Amount
  • Repayment Capacity
  • Documentation
  • Country-specific Requirements etc.

To be eligible for an education loan for abroad studies, the seeker must be an Indian public. This means that only Indian citizens are eligible to apply for similar loans.


Utmost banks have set a littlest age limit of 18 years for students seeking an education loan. If you’re under 18, your parents must take out the loan on your behalf.

Academic Qualifications

The seeker must have secured admission into an honored university or council abroad to apply for an educational loan. The course should also have valid authorization or recognition from applicable authorities in India.

Financial Background

The primary purpose of an education loan is to give Financial Background to scholars who may not have the necessary finances to pursue their studies overseas. Thus, having a solid fiscal background isn’t obligatory, but it helps during the operation process.

Document Needed

When applying for an education loan to finance your studies abroad, there are several documents that you’ll need to submit as part of the employment process like,

  • Application Form
  • Offer Letter or Admission Letter
  • Proof of Identity
  • Proof of Residence
  • Academic Records
  • Standardized Test Scores
  • Cost of Attendance
  • Financial Statements
  • Co-signer or Guarantor Documents
  • Collateral Documents
  • Visa Documentation etc.
Filled Operation Form

One of the most important documents is a filled operation form.

Alternatively, you need to give passport-size photos of yourself and your co-applicant. These photos should be recent and clear, with a white background. They will be used for identification purposes throughout the loan operation process.

Mark sheets

The score reports that show your academic performance over time.

Income Evidence

One of the most critical documents lenders will look at is the income evidence of your co-applicant. This guarantees the lender that the loan will be repaid in a timely and responsible manner.

Loan Amounts

The cost associated with pursuing evolved education in foreign countries can be a significant hedge for legion ambitious scholars. Numerous banks and monetary institutions offer education loans designed for transnational studies to overcome this monetary chain.

One such attractive option is an education loan of up to INR 30 lakhs with a loan margin of 15% for students planning to study abroad. This means that the maximum amount that can be borrowed through this loan is INR 30 lakhs, and the applicant must provide a collateral security or margin money of 15% of the total loan amount. The bank or lender will cover the remaining 85%.

The interest rate charged on this loan quantum is over two on the current base rate. This implies that the interest rate may vary according to the change in the base rate set by the Reserve Bank of India.

Loan Coverage

Loan Coverage provides comprehensive pocket support for scholars pursuing advanced education. It encompasses varied aspects.

Education Charges

Living Charges

Study-Affiliated Charges

Trip-Affiliated Charges

Health Insurance etc.

Loan Disbursement

Regarding loan disbursement, the process can be intricate and multifaceted.

1Pay fabrication charges, which cover supervisory costs.

Once these freights are settled, it’s time to move on and decide on a suitable disbursement date.

Next, you need to consider the Disbursement quantum precisely.

Final Loan Agreement Documents – a vital step that solidifies all terms and conditions agreed upon during operation.

Electronic Clearing Service (ECS) from Your Bank for accessible remittance via automatic deductions from your bank account at regular intervals.

Loan Processing Fee

Suppose if you are planning to get an education loan for abroad studies. It’s essential to know the concept of a Loan Processing Fee. This figure is a one-time payment charged by banks or institutions to cover the administrator costs associated with involving all your precious money through this loan operation.

The loan processing figure serves as compensation for varied services handed out by the lender throughout the loan process. The loan processing figure covers colorful charges similar to document verification, credit assessment, and legal procedures needed during the operation process.

To give ideal services and expert guidance during your education loan operation process, banks invest a significant quantum into maintaining a well-equipped structure in international educational finance. Although paying a loan processing figure might feel frustrating at first, it’s important to remember that carrying transnational education loans involves complex mechanisms that require substantial coffers. The freights collected enable banks to give separate backing acclimatized specifically towards your study pretensions and preferred destination. Thus, when carrying an education loan for studies abroad, it’s essential to keep in mind that paying a reasonable loan processing figure can make all the difference in realizing your dream of pursuing advanced education in foreign lands.

Loan Prepayment

The prepayment of EMI begins either 12 months after the completion of the course or six months after securing employment, depending on which comes first. This approach recognizes that each being’s circumstances may vary, allowing them to start repaying their loan when they’re ready and financially stable. The option to begin prepayment before employment is secured showcases a visionary approach in encouraging borrowers to come tone- sufficiently sooner rather than later. On the other hand, Global Ed- Vantage Loans take a slightly different approach by starting the prepayment process six months after completing the course itself. This recognizes that transnational education frequently involves fresh challenges, like choosing suitable job openings abroad or settling back into one’s home country after studying abroad.

What are the requirements for education loan to study abroad?

The requirements for an education loan to study abroad typically include:

   – Admission in any recognized educational institution in abroad.

   – Proof of identity and residence.

   – Academic records and admission letter & related documents.

   – Cost of attendance documentation.

   – Financial statements.

   – Co-signer or guarantor documents if necessary.

   – Collateral or security may be required depending on the loan amount.

Which bank is best for education loan abroad?

The best bank for an education loan abroad can vary depending on factors such as interest rates, loan terms, customer service, and eligibility criteria. We have partnered with some of the most reputable lender like HDFC Credila, IDFC First Bank, Bank of Baroda & Avanse Financial Services etc. It’s advisable to research and compare offerings from multiple banks to find the one that best suits your needs and financial situation.

Can I get 30 lakh education loan to study abroad?

Sure, you can get a 30 lakh education loan to study abroad but it depends on various factors, including the policies of the lending institution, your financial situation and the specific terms of the loan. Some lenders may offer loans of this amount or higher, but collateral or a co-signer/guarantor may be required and eligibility criteria may vary.

Can I get 100% loan to study abroad?

While it’s possible to get a 100% education loan to study abroad. Most lenders typically require the borrower to provide some form of down payment or contribution towards the cost of education. However, some lenders may offer loans covering the entire cost of education, including tuition, fees, accommodation, and other expenses, depending on the borrower’s financial situation and the specific terms of the loan.